10-13th September 2024 | Aveiro | Portugal



NEW DEADLINE: 16th May 2024.

  • Before abstract submission, registration in the platform is mandatory.
  • Submissions will ONLY be accepted electronically through the Registration Platform link.
  • Each author can submit up to 2 abstracts, as presenting author.
  • Upon submission, the type of communication (oral or poster) and the corresponding Meeting Topic must be selected. The type of communication can be changed by recommendation of the Scientific Committee.

ABSTRACT SELECTION NOTIFICATIONS: will be sent to the corresponding authors within 15th June 2024.


ERRS intends to publish a special issue at the RadRes Society journal for oral presentations. More information coming soon.


  • Topic 1: Space radiation
  • Topic 2: Radiation physics, dosimetry, computational dosimetry and modelling
  • Topic 3: Particle radiation
  • Topic 4: Human and environmental health effects, including high and low dose/dose rate effects
  • Topic 5: Clinical, translational and radiotherapy research, including radiopharmaceuticals in theragnostics
  • Topic 6: Molecular and cellular effects, including non-targeted effects, of artificial and natural radiation 
  • Topic 7: Natural radioactivity monitoring and evaluation of exposure and risk (radon and NORM) 
  • Topic 8: Radioecology and Environmental dosimetry 
  • Topic 9: Multiple stressors effects (ionizing, non-ionizing radiation and chemical stressors) and radiosensitizers 
  • Topic 10: Radiation protection, emergency preparedness, radwaste and radiation countermeasures 
  • Topic 11: Societal aspects of radiation protection
  • Topic 12: Biomarkers for dosimetry and clinical outcome prediction, including the use and potential applications of AI


Abstracts must be submitted in English and can not exceed 300 words (excluding Title, Authors and Affiliations).

It is mandatory to submit each abstract through your Participant Area in the Registration Platform (section below)

A word layout for abstracts preparation is provided. The authors should use this layout only for guidance, as the final abstract submission is made through the platform.


Step 1: Register in the Registration Platform

Step 2: Navigate to the Participant Area

Step 3: Choose My Publications -> New Publication (screenshot below)

Step 4: Complete the form (the abstract must be paste in the “Plain text” area) and proceed to submit. It’s that simple.

Authors Information: All authors must be added to the submission either by searching (in case the co-author is already in the databse) or following the “Add new author” option. Within this option, you may designate the “Presenting Author” and the “Corresponding Author” (note that an author can fulfill both roles).

“Add New Author” Option: Provide the Name (first name, surname), Institution, and Affiliation of the author.



  • Upon submission, the type of communication (oral or poster) and the corresponding Meeting Topic must be selected. The type of communication must be changed by recommendation of the Scientific Committee.
  • Topics with few abstracts may not have an exclusively dedicated session on the programme.

Oral Communications - Time

  • Plenary Speakers: 40 min presentation + 10 min Q&A
  • Keynote Speakers: 25 min presentation + 5 min Q&Q
  • Selected Oral Speakers: 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A

Oral Communications - Presentations

  • Dimensions: wide screen slides (16:9)
  • Template: there is no mandatory template. However we provide an example template for those that will prefer
  • Advices:
    • text should be readable for the audience
    • consistent and clean layout
    • effective use of graphics
    • text should be clear and to the point

Poster Communications - Presentations

  • Dimensions: 90 cm x 135 cm (width x height)
  • There is no mandatory template, but we do provide an example template for those who prefer to use one.
  • Advices:
    • important information should be readable from about 3 m away
    • text should be clear and to the point
    • use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read
    • effective and consistent use of graphics
    • clean layout


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